Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Why Oklahoma? (or, The One With the Anniversary)

Of all places to live, I admit that Oklahoma was never at the top of my list. Or even on my list. And while there are things here that get under my skin, I'd move again in a heartbeat.
I moved to Tahlequah, Oklahoma in the fall of 2002, 7 months after graduating from college. I moved there because I had gotten a position as an Americorps VISTA (Volunteer In Service To America), but I moved to Oklahoma for what may seem to some as the most hokey and naieve of reasons: I was in love.
I was in love with a man I had known for 4 years. A man who was in the Army. And since he couldn't pack up and move closer to me, I figured I'd pack up and move closer to him. November 2002 marked the start of 4 hour car trips twice a month to see each other.
We spent Thanksgiving and Christmas together, and as much time as our cell phone plans allowed talking to each other during the week. While it wasn't an ideal situation, it was better than being half way across the country from each other.
This weekend marks our 1 year wedding anniversary, and I just wanted to say that this has been one of the happiest years of my life. I may be living in a place I don't much care for, and I may be unemployed, and I may have all of the discomforts of being pregnant, but I have gotten to spend almost every day with my best friend.
SO I wanted to take a moment to publicly say to my husband:
I love you.
Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for being understanding when I am cranky and filled with pregnant-lady-irrational thought. Thank you for all the things you do around the house. Thank you for loving me and all of my idiosyncrasies.
I miss you when you are in the field. (Don't forget to change your socks!)
In short: dude, you rock.
I love you.
Happy Anniversary!
I love you.

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