Monday, October 25, 2004

Three Down...

Well, hooray and ouch.
Before you continue: this post has a happy ending, and there's still a baby in my uterus.

Went to the hospital last night to visit the nice folks at Labor & Delivery (I'm starting to feel like I should bring gifts, I go so often) b/c my hips were trying to escape my body and it hurt. So they hooked me up to the monitors, checked my cervix (ow-ow-ow) and proclaimed that I was at 3cm, contracting irregularly and could go home. Or, if the pain was too much to bear, I could stay there for overnight monitoring on a morphine drip. MORPHINE DRIP. I'm not a big fan of pain, but I'm gonna have to say that before I let you put morphine in me I'm probably going to have to be suffering a flesh-eating virus or similar. Morphine is an opiate, yes? Opiates are addictive, yes? And morphine passes through the placenta and into the baby.
So, um, thanks, but no.
Anyway, back to the exciting stuff. Well, exciting and kinda gross. This morning I lost my mucus plug--well I didn't lose it, it fell out and I flushed it down the toilet. But that means that it's now cervix and amniotic sac side by side (as opposed to cervix-mucus plug-amniotic sac); which means that it's baby's head on cervix....Which means that we're THAT MUCH CLOSER to delivery.
Countdown to baby (T minus x; x being an unknown value due to the fact that babies operate on their own schedules...)

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