Friday, September 08, 2006

Rock star in training.

In the mornings, Aaron likes to watch music videos on VH1 or MTV--and because I can be so very persuasive (read: bossy), we skip the "baby-inappropriate" videos (Sorry, Luda). But Adrian has come to be a fan of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers--as he proved to us this morning by putting on a crown, grabbing his guitar and jamming out to Dani California. It was the highlight of the week, really.

Aaron was asking Adrian if he would like a brother and Adrian firmly responded "NO!". So then we explained that Uncle Austin was Aaron's brother and Uncle Jono was my brother--but he still said he wasn't interested. Inquiring after his feelings regarding a sister, we were met with silence and his attempts to ignore us while he ate his breakfast of cinnamon toast and sausages. I guess he's not ready to be a big brother. Not that he'll have to worry about it anytime in the forseeable future as I am NOT currently a baby incubator.

We spent this morning at the pet store--it's closer and less expensive than going to the zoo. His favorites today were the birds; which he asked repeatedly to "hold it", and the dogs in doggie day care; all of whom were equally interested in the pint-sized human on the other side of the plate glass. Which brings us to the current dilemma: dog or no dog? baby or no baby? dog and baby seem like an overkill--but you know that I have never been one for half-measure (Move half way across the country where I know no one with in a 4 hour drive? Sure! Oklahoma here I come!) And when you get right down to it: 2 babies and a dog isn't that big of a deal, considering that my next door neighbor is a single mother of 4 who owns her own business, and sends all 4 kids to private schools. I am daily in awe of her.

So that's my fakey dilemma. And really, anything to take my mind off of the fact that winter here is going to kick my teeth out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where's the post-wedding update?!