Adrian has 2 weeks left in school...and I am trying to figure out how to keep him just busy enough. He will be spending his first 5 days of vacation in DC with grandparents. After that we have camping, birthday parties (fiona turns 3!), and a tentative trip to the beach. Who knows.
I think we'll just roll with it. That's a good life skill, too--right?
The lighting on that shot of Adrian is incredible. Can't wait to see the little guy - spoil him rotten & send him back. And why would you post a picture of your daugher with her finger up her nose?
Your Da.
Dear Da,
Because it is through the absurd that we can appreciate our own frailty as human beings and the lengths we have grown as people.
Or, if you prefer: I dunno. How come you like to show people pictures of me on the training toilet at age 2?
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