Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Monday, yesterday, was Adrian's second music class. He was excited this time, and seemed to catch on quickly. He was also eager for praise from our instructor, Ms. Sarah. When he got the hang of something he'd leave my lap and march right up to Ms. Sarah to show her that he totally knew what was what. I found it funny to watch him interact with the other kids, to walk away from me and assume that I would be there when he turned around. It was nice, but kind of sad--as much as I complain about him hanging on me, I also enjoy being the ultimate comforter and boo-boo fixer. Watching him befriend others and feel comfortable in a new setting made me realize how temporary this phase in his life is. Sigh. On the other hand, it looks like he's ready to take on the world...maybe as supreme ruler, with marshmellows for all.
This photo is especially for Granpa--see the Hawkeye's pants? Adrian's choice. Indoctrination complete. (Cue fight song)
And here is evidence that he is getting taller, if not gaining any weight (23 pounds and holding, baby!) Those are feety pajamas. Minus feet, as I can't zip them up when the feet are attched--previously they used to trail after him down the hall, making him look as though he was reenacting scenes from Stephen King's Misery. (I can't read King novels anymore. Haven't been able to since early adolescence, really. They give me perpetual heebie jeebies).

Today we took a jaunt down to the health food store to get more Rice Milk for Adrian. Then we came home and played in the yard, until we noticed our neighbor (Teenie) out washing her car. In an effort to be neighborly, we went over and struck up a conversation. And then we wound up caravaning down to the food pantry and I have an appointment to get set up as a regular client next week. Because as Teenie says "it's not about being poor--it's about putting your money to better use".
Teenie says a lot of things.

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