Monday, June 25, 2007

More baby pics if you can stand the cuteness

The Great Train Cake Caper of 2007. Bet you didn't know you could suck sprinkles (or as Adrian says, "fwinkles") right out of the bottle. He's actually cleaner than Grandma. Grandma had cake batter on her pants, and frosting on her shirt. Fwinkle-free though.
Good morning. No cake for me, thanks.
My first whistling lesson. I need more practice.
Another victim of baby sleep fumes. It seems that when an adult is holding a sleeping baby, the adult also falls victim to sleep. Toddlers are unaffected by this phenomenon.

Posted by Grandma. Hopefully mom will get the OK tomorrow to drive and climb stairs!

1 comment:

Amber Pixie Shehan said...

Sleeping babies and sleeping cats have the same effect...babies are much more potent, though!

Fwinkles is adorable.