Wednesday, December 01, 2010

where did the year go?

did you know that it's December? I looked at the calendar and nearly fell off my seat. This year got away from me, that's for sure.

The kids are anxious for the arrival of Santa Claus.
Fiona wants a polar bear. (PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME A LIVE BEAR. I will not love you back.)
Adrian wants all kinds of stuff, but we are having a BATTERY-FREE CHRISTMAS.
(SOAPBOX: Batteries are bad for the environment, bad for my wallet, and stunt a child's opportunity to use their god-given talents:i.e. their imaginations!)
Either he understands my reasons or has come to terms with the fact that his mom is a fun-killing crazy lady, but has suggested that legos would be a good alternative to battery operated, I mean, toys.

And I want....nothing, really. All kinds of things would be nice, but what I REALLY want I already have.

No wait. That's not true. What I really want you can't box up. (Hoping, wishing, praying to avoid all nasty viruses brought home by my beloved school-aged children)

This past year started with 8 weeks of pneumonia. 2010 set the bar low for 2011. I hope 2010 gets a high-five on his way out the door.

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