Sunday, October 17, 2004

Here's the deal...

I know a lot of you are really excited about this baby, and some of you are even more excited that his due date is Halloween. And I appreciate your enthusiasm, but if one more person tells me that I have to wait to have this kid some serious unpleasantness will ensue.
For those of you offering advice who have already have children: thank you, and I know you know what I'm going through.
For those of you offering advice who have never had children, let alone menstrual cramps: I love you, but shut it.
I have been having "mild contractions" for 2 days now--not strong enough to change my cervix from 2 cm to 4 cm, but strong enough that I feel like surgically removing my own pelvis to MAKE. THEM. STOP.
Yes, I am cranky. Yes, I am uncomfortable. And yes, I will turn into the Dragon Lady and eat your eyeballs if the urge strikes me.
So tread lightly, m'kay?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are going to eat someone's eyeballs, don't forget the ketchup and/or mint chutney. Love you-Kar